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The Physiology Working Group was not active for many years. In 2001 Prof. Yahav agreed to serve as the chairmen of this WG. During the EPC conference in Bremen (2002) Dr. Tzschentke, Dr. Mitchel, Prof. Whitehead, Prof. Decuypere and Prof. Yahav decided upon merging the Physiology WG with the WG of Perinatal Epigenetic Adaptation under the name of 'Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal development in Poultry'.

The 1st combined meeting took place in Berlin Humboldt University, Institute of Biology between the 9th and 11th of October 2003. Dr. Tzschentke and her staff organized the meeting. Fifty members from different countries attended the meeting. Thirty two papers and 7 posters were presented on studies that combined physiology mechanisms during pre, post-natal and some during life span.

The 2nd combined meeting took also place in Berlin Humboldt University, Institute of Biology between the 23rd and 25th of September 2005. It was organized by Dr. Tzschentke and Prof. Yahav. Eighty participants from 17 countries attend the symposium. Thirty six oral presentations and 22 posters were presented. By the end of the symposium a round table discussion on 'Alterations During Chick Embryogenesis – Does it Meet the Poultry Industry Needs?' was held.

The 3rd combined meeting took place in the Free University of Berlin, between the 5th and 7th of October 2007. It was organized by Prof. Tönhardt, Dr. Tzschentke and Prof. Yahav. The programme was based on 2 keynote lectures, 26 lectures and 9 posters. By the end of the symposium, a round table discussion on 'Constant versus variable incubation conditions – advantages and disadvantages' was held.

The 4th combined meeting was held in the Comenius University Bratislava and the Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics, SASci, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovaki. It was organized by Prof. Zeman. The scientific committee included Prof. Zeman, Prof. Decuypere, Dr. Kostal, Prof. Tönhardt, Dr. Tzschentke and Prof. Yahav. The programme was based on 2 keynote lectures, 30 lectures and 18 posters.

1st 2003 Berlin Germany
2nd 2005 Berlin Germany
3rd 2007 Berlin Germany
4th 2009 Bratislava Slovakia
5th 2011 Wageningen The Netherlands
6th 2013 Gottingen Germany
7th 2015 Berlin Germany

Further details of WG 12 activities can be obtained from the chairperson:
Dr B. Tzschentke

Working Group Information

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