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December 2015

bradley francineMid-September found me in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was my pleasure to join our President, Dr. Edir Silva, for the Latin American Poultry Conference. What a vibrant and well-attended event. We staffed a booth and publicized WPSA. With Dr. Silva’s leadership and support from Watt Publishing, we organized a meeting of the leaders of poultry science associations in Latin America. It was a productive event with participants who really want to move things forward and see the benefits from WPSA Branches and poultry associations working together. My personal thanks go to Greg Watt and Benjamin Ruiz for their solid backing of this endeavour.

As our fiscal year comes to a close, I look forward to receiving dues from Branches that have yet to pay. There will be more expenses in 2016, as your international body works to foster attendance at the World’s Poultry Congress in Beijing. A significant sum has already been committed to aid with the excellent Student Programme that has been organized by the Host Committee.

May you ring out 2015 in good health and continuing enthusiasm for WPSA.

Dr Francine Bradley